Ministry Purpose: The Bus Ministry Leader is responsible for the transportation and follow-up with members and non-members to services and special events. The Major focus should be placed on evangelizing the lost with compassion. The Bus ministry driver will continually strive to seek Ministries that will inform and bring people into the body of Christ. This may include, but is not limited to, contacting people who may need transportation to church events, informing people of special events, organizing helpers and showing the love of God through His people.
Mission Statement: This ministry seeks to provide transportation to the members of GMZ and the community to attend services and other activities of the church.
Vision Statement: The vision of the Transportation Ministry is designed to provide maximum on and off-site worship opportunities to those of GMZ and our community who may not have an ability to attend church. The transportation ministry will provide members and visitors the opportunity to attend any services that the church may have. This ministry will also provide transportation for our youth ministry outings, our choirs and other ministries to such church-sponsored events.
Transportation Ministry Leader Responsibilities & Guidelines:
- Shall oversee and supervise all operations of the Bus Ministry.
- Shall maintain weekly contact with members who may need a ride to service.
- Shall keep the Leadership of GMZ apprised of needs and conditions within your Ministry.
- Shall maintain a valid driver’s license and be insurable. Must also follow the churches regulation on Bus transportation and records.
- Shall treat passengers as precious cargo and follow all laws pertaining to the operation on the vehicle.
- Shall attend all annual planning retreats and quarterly meetings. If unable to attend, shall inform the Pastor or Church Secretary in advance and have a substitute attend for you.
- Shall remember that your service to God goes beyond the church service and building. Your actions outside the church also dictate people’s response to the effectiveness of your ministry.
- Shall understand the mission and vision of this ministry and follow the guidelines.
- The bus/van shall be housed on the campus of Greater Mt. Zion and only to be moved for church and Ministry sponsored function.
Van use request form: